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Le monde geometrique de Opy Zouni : / Entrétien avec Bia Papadopoulou.
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Title Le monde geometrique de Opy Zouni : / Entrétien avec Bia Papadopoulou.
Identifier 000392676
Creator Παπαδοπούλου, Μπία.1961-
Is part of +-ο revue d'art contemporain No. 49 (fevrier 1988), pp.18-19
Date of publication
Language French
LCSH Subject Ζούνη, Όπυ, 1941-2008. Horizon
Coverage   ( - ) 
Source GrRePK
Collection   Digital Collections--Archives
  Digital Collections--Archives--Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art
  Digital Collections--Archives--Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art--Greek and Cypriot Artists
  Digital Collections--Archives--Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art--Greek and Cypriot Artists--Greek Artists
  Digital Collections--Archives--Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art--Greek and Cypriot Artists--Greek Artists--Zouni Opy, 1941-2008
  Contributors--University of Crete Library
Institution University of Crete
Location University of Crete - Rethymno
Classification Αρχείο Ελλήνων και Κυπρίων Καλλιτεχνών Α. Ξύδη
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+-ο revue d'art contemporain No. 49 (fevrier 1988), pp.18-19

+-ο revue d'art contemporain No. 49 (fevrier 1988), pp.18-19

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