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University of Crete Library [18531] Istituto Ellenico di studi Bizantini e Postbizantini di Venezia [1]
Educational Association of Adrianoupolis [1195] Greek Parliament Library [410]
Hellinomnimon [37] St. Anthony's Greek Orthodox Monastery, Arizona USA [22]
Google [863] Volos Municipal Centel for Historical Research [2]
Gallica [157] Digital Library of Greek Public Libraries [45]
Goettinger Digitalisierungs-Zentrum [4] IAEN Historical Archive of Youth [48]
University of Ioannina [13] Greeks in Egypt [104]
National Library of Austria [3] Personal Library of Georgia Plaitaki [11]
Bishop of Kitrus Konstantinos Koidakis [27] Library of Law Association of Rethymnon [433]
Institute of Neohellenic Research / National Hellenic Research Foundation [4] Sylvia Ioannou Foundation [3]
Bishop of Chios,Psara and Oinousses Nikiforos Tzifopoulos [32] Library of George P. Ekkekakis [153]
Museum Papa Michalis Georgoulakis (Asomatos) [6] Central Public Library of Rethymno [32]
Library of the family of Nikolaos Androulidakis [8] Society of Cretan Historical Studies Library (SCHS)

The Society of Cretan Historical Studies Library is housed in the Historical Museum of Crete and hosts over 10.000 titles including scientific journals, rare 19th-century publications and Cretan Studies on various fields of scientific interest. Nikos Kazantzakis and Emmanouil Tsouderos personal libraries, consisting of 6.000 additional titles, are also included within the SCHS Library Infrastructure. See more:

National Book Center of Greece [5] National Library of Greece [4]
Psifiothiki - AUTh [130] ELIA [3]
Ηπειρομνήμων - Ψηφιακή Βιβλιοθήκη Παλαιών & Σπάνιων Βιβλίων Πανεπιστημίου Ιωαννίνων Ioannis Saralis Foundation

The Ioannis Saralis Foundation is a charitable foundation established in 2006 in Aristi, Zagori. Its mission is to use of all possible means for the planning and implementation of cultural and environmental events and research aimed at raising local communities’ awareness of the preservation of Zagori’s cultural and natural wealth. Its digital library is the product of the implementation of a regional CLLD Leader project. Learm more on the website

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31. No preview available

Title:  Τιμητική έκθεση για τον Κανέλλη στην Μυτιλήνη : Έξη μήνες μετά το θάνατό του / της Βεατρίκης Σπηλιάδη.
Creator:  Σπηλιάδη, Βεατρίκη,

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32. Καλλιτεχνικό Πνευματικό Κέντρο "Ώρα"Το σχέδιο και το χρώμα στη ζωγραφική του Ορέστη Κανέλλη.[γραφικό υλικό]

Title:  Το σχέδιο και το χρώμα στη ζωγραφική του Ορέστη Κανέλλη. [γραφικό υλικό]
Creator:  Καλλιτεχνικό Πνευματικό Κέντρο "Ώρα"

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33. [Φωτογραφίες έργων του Γιώργου Ζογγολόπουλου] [γραφικό υλικό]

Title:  [Φωτογραφίες έργων του Γιώργου Ζογγολόπουλου] [γραφικό υλικό]

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