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Title:  Antiquités anglo-normandes de Ducarel,.
Creator:  Ducarel, Andrew Coltee,
Publication Date:  1823-[24].

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Title:  The antiquities of Constantinople : with a description of its situation, the conveniencies of its port, its publick buildings, the Statuary, Sculpture, Architecture, and other curiosities of that city. With cuts explaining the Chief of them : in four books / Written originally in Latin by Petrus Gyllius a Byzantine historian. Now translated into English, and enlarged with an ancient description of the Wards of that city, as they stood in the reigns of Arcadius and Honorius. With Pancirolus's notes thereupon. To which is added a large explanatory index. By John Ball ...
Creator:  Gilles, Pierre,
Publication Date:  1729.

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Title:  Appendice aux lettres d'un antiquaire à un artiste sur l'emploi de la peinture historique murale dans la decoration des temples et des autres edifices publics ou particuliers chez les grecs et les romains; : Ouvrage pouvant servir de suite et de supplement à tous ceux qui traitent de l'histoire dans l'antiquité / par M. Letronne ___.
Creator:  Letronne, Antoine Jean,
Publication Date:  1837.

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Title:  Archaeologia Graeca sive veterum Graecorum, praecipue vero Atheniensium, ritus civiles, religiosi, militares et domestici, / fusius explicati per Johannem Potterum.
Creator:  Potter, John,
Publication Date:  MDCCXXXIV [=1734]

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Title:  Aristoteles und die Exoterischen Reden / von P.W. Forchhammer.
Creator:  Forchhammer, Peter Wilhelm,
Publication Date:  1864.

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Title:  Asie Mineure : description physique de cette contree / par P. de Tchihatcheff.
Creator:  Chikhachev, P. A.
Publication Date:  1860-1869.

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Title:  Athenes d'apres le colonel Leake /ouvrage mis au courant des decouvertes les plus recentes par M. Phocion Roque ___; Introduction de M. C. Wescher; Dessins de L. Breton, d'apres des photographies.
Creator:  Leake, William Martin,
Publication Date:  1876.

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Title:  Athens : its rise and fall : with views of the literature, philosophy, and social life of the Athenian people / by Edward Lytton Bulwer.
Creator:  Lytton, Edward Bulwer Lytton,
Publication Date:  1837.

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Title:  Aus Kleinasien und Syrien / von Dr. Rudolf Fitzner ___
Creator:  Fitzner, Rudolf,
Publication Date:  1904.

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Title:  An autumn cruise in the Aegean : or, Notes of a voyage in a sailing-yacht / by T. Fitz-Patrick.
Creator:  Fitz-Patrick, T.
Publication Date:  1887.

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