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Title:  The Byzantine empire / by C. W. C. Oman.
Creator:  Oman, Charles,
Publication Date:  1897.

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Title:  The Byzantine Empire / by N. Jorga, translated from the French by Allen H. Powles, M.A.
Creator:  Iorga, Nicolae,
Publication Date:  1907.

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Title:  The Cambridge history of British foreign policy, 1783-1919 / edited by Sir A. W. Ward and G. P. Gooch.
Publication Date:  1922.

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Title:  Camping in Crete : With notes upon the animal and plant life of the island / by Aubyn Trevor-Battye ; including a description of certain caves and their ancient deposits by Dorothea M. A. Bate ; with thirty-two plates and a map.
Creator:  Trevor-Battye, Aubyn Bernard Rochfort.
Publication Date:  1913.

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Title:  Canti popolari toscani, corsi, illirici, greci / [raccolti e illustrati da] Niccolo Tommaseo.
Publication Date:  1841-1842.

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Title:  Carlo Botta a Corfu : scritti inediti / pubblicati in occasione del transferimento delle sue generi da Parigi in S. Croce di Firenze per cura di Carlo Dionisotti ___
Creator:  Dionisotti, Carlo,
Publication Date:  1875.

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Title:  The case restated; or An account of a conversation with a papist, concerning a book intitled, The case stated between the Church of Rome,and the Church of England, &c. [by Charles Leslie] In a letter froma gentleman in the country to his friend in London ...
Creator:  Campbell, Archibald,
Publication Date:  1713.

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Title:  Celebrities of the Italian renaissance in Florence and in the Louvre / by Robert de La Sizeranne; translated by Jeffery E. Jeffery [pseud.].
Creator:  La Sizeranne, Robert de,
Publication Date:  [1926].

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Title:  Chansons populaires grecques : publiees avec une traduction francaise :bMemoires et notices / par M. Emile Legrand.
Publication Date:  1876.

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Title:  Chants héroiques des montagnards et matelots Grecs / Traduits en vers francais par m. Népomucene L. Lemercier.
Publication Date:  1824.

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Title:  Chefs-d'oeuvre de Démosthène et d'Eschine / traduits sur le texte des meilleures éditions critiques par J.-F. Stievenart.
Creator:  Δημοσθένης,
Publication Date:  1843.

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Title:  Choix d'eglises Bysantines en Grece / par A. Couchad ___
Creator:  Couchaud, Andre.
Publication Date:  M DCCC XXXXII[1842]

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Title:  Christoph. Bondelmontii, Florentini, Librum Insularum Archipelagi.
Creator:  Buondelmonti, Cristoforo,
Publication Date:  1824.

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Title:  Chroniques étrangères relatives aux expéditions françaises pendant le XIIIe siècle / publiées pour la première fois, élucidées et traduites, par J. A. C. Buchon.
Creator:  Buchon, J. A. C.
Publication Date:  1840.

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Title:  Chroniques greco-romanes : Inedites ou peu connues / publiees avec notes et tables genealogiques par Charles Hopf.
Creator:  Hopf, Carl Hermann Friedrich Johann,
Publication Date:  1873.

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Title:  A classical dictionary : containing a copious account of all the proper names mentioned in ancient authors, with the value of coins, weights, and measures, used among the Greeks and Romans, and a chronological table / by J. Lempiere.
Creator:  Lempriere, John,
Publication Date:  1839.

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Title:  Collection des chroniques nationales francaises : ecrites en langue vulgaire du treizieme au seizieme siecle, avec notes et eclaircissements / par J. A. Buchon.
Creator:  Buchon, J. A. C.
Publication Date:  1824-28.

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Title:  Commentaire sur le Code civil contenant l'explication de chaque article séparément, : l'énonciation, au bas du commentaire, des questions qu'il a fait naître, les principales questions de décider pour et contre, l'indication des passages des divers ouvrages où les questions sont agitées, et le renvoi aux arrêts, / par J.M. Boileux. Rev. par F.F. Poncelet.
Creator:  France.
Publication Date:  1838.

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Title:  A concise dictionary of Egyptian archaeology : a handbook for students and travelers / by M. Brodrick and A. Anderson Morton.
Creator:  Brodrick, Mary.
Publication Date:  1902.

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Title:  The conflict of religions in the early Roman empire / by T. R. Glover.
Creator:  Glover, T. R.
Publication Date:  [1909].

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Title:  Const. Harmenopuli Manuale legum sive Hexabiblos / cum appendicibus et legibus agrariis ad fidem antiquorum librorum Mss. editionum recensuit, scholiis nondum editis locupletavit, latinam Reitzii translationem correxit, notis criticis, locis parallelis, glossario illustravit Gustavus Ernestus Heimbach.
Creator:  Αρμενόπουλος, Κωνσταντίνος,
Publication Date:  1851.

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Title:  Constantinople : a sketch of its history from its foundation to its conquest by the Turks in 1453 / by the Rev. W. J. Brodribb and Walter Besant.
Creator:  Brodribb, William Jackson,
Publication Date:  1879.

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Title:  Constantinople ancienne et moderne, et discription des côtes et isles de l'archipel et de la Troade / Par Jacques Dallaway, traduit de l' anglais par André Morellet.
Creator:  Dallaway, Jacques,
Publication Date:  [1799?].

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Title:  Constantinople ancient and modern : with excursions to the shores and islands of the archipelago and to the Troad / By James Dallaway.
Creator:  Dallaway, James,
Publication Date:  1797.

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Title:  Constantinople / by F. Marion Crawford; illustrated by Edward L. Weeks.
Creator:  Crawford, F. Marion
Publication Date:  1895.

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Title:  Constantinople / Edmondo de Amicis ; ouvrage traduit de l'italien avec l'autorisation de l'auter par J. Colomb.
Creator:  De Amicis, Edmondo,
Publication Date:  1878.

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Title:  Constantinople en 1861 : Fragment d'un journal de voyage / par m. Felix Bourquelot.
Creator:  Bourquelot, Felix,
Publication Date:  1867.

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Title:  Constantinople en 1869 : Histoire des hommes et des choses / par A. de Caston.
Creator:  Caston, Alfred de
Publication Date:  1868.

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Title:  Constantinople, old and new / by H. G. Dwight.
Creator:  Dwight, H.G.,
Publication Date:  1915.

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Title:  Constantinople old and new / H.G. Dwight.
Creator:  Dwight, H.G.,
Publication Date:  1915.

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Title:  Constantinople / painted by Warwick Goble, described by Alexander Van Millingen.
Creator:  Van Millingen, Alexander,
Publication Date:  1906.

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Title:  A Constantinople / par l' auteur des "Horizons Prochains" [Mme de Gasparin]
Publication Date:  1867.

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Title:  Constantinople : ses cités franques et levantines (Pera, Galata, Banlieue) : une planche hors texte par Edgar Chahine, 32 illus. dans le texte par Adolphe Thiers, un plan de Constantinople / Bertrand Bareilles.
Creator:  Bareilles, Bertrand,
Publication Date:  1918.

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Title:  Corpus iuris civilis.
Publication Date:  1905.

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Title:  Correspondance d'Orient : 1830-1831 / par M. Michaud ___ et M. Poujoulat.
Creator:  Michaud, J. Fr.
Publication Date:  1833-1835.

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Title:  Costantinopoli / Di Edmondo De Amicis.
Creator:  De Amicis, Edmondo,
Publication Date:  1877-1878.

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Title:  Cours de droit commercial maritime, : d'après les principes et suivant l'ordre du code de commerce. Nouv. éd., augm. 1⁰ d'un aperçu du droit commercial maritime dans les principaux états de l'Europe; 2⁰ de la Conférence de l'ouvrage avec la doctrine de pardessus, de Locré et de Delvincourt; 3⁰ d'une table alphabétique raisonnée des matières; 4⁰ d'un catalogue raisonné de tous les ouvrages publiés sur le droit commercial maritime; / mise en rapport avec la législation et la jurisprudence de Belgique.
Creator:  Boulay-Paty, P.-S.
Publication Date:  1838.

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Title:  Creta Sacra : sive de Episcopis utriusque ritus Graeci et Latini in insula Cretae. / accedit Flaminio Cornelio Senatore Veneto.
Creator:  Cornaro, Flaminio,
Publication Date:  MDCCLV [=1655].

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Title:  Creta / scritti di Daniele Pallaveri.
Creator:  Pallaveri, Daniele
Publication Date:  1868.

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Title:  Cretan Insurrection : 1866-1869 / James J. Reid.
Creator:  Reid, James J.

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Title:  Crete. Address of the National Assembly of the Provisional Government of Crete, asking Congress for aid to secure the complete emancipation and independence of the island. April 10, 1868. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Creator:  Προσωρινή Κυβέρνησις της Κρήτης

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Title:  A cruise in Greek waters : With a hunting excursion in Tunis / by F. Trench Townshend, B.A. ___
Creator:  Townshend, F. Trench
Publication Date:  1870.

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Title:  The Cyclades, or; Life among the insular Greeks.
Creator:  Bent, J. Theodore
Publication Date:  1885.

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Title:  Cyprus : historical and descriptive / Adapted from the German, with much additional matter by Mrs. A. Batson Joyner.
Creator:  Loher, Franz von,
Publication Date:  1878.

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Title:  Cyprus : its ancient cities, tombs, and temples : a narrative of researches and excavations during ten years' residence as American consul in that island / by Louis Palma di Cesnola ___ with maps and illustrations.
Creator:  Cesnola, Luigi Palma di,
Publication Date:  1877.

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Title:  Das alte Megaris : Ein Beitrag zur Alterthumskunde Griechenlands / von Hermann Reinganum.
Creator:  Reinganum, Hermann
Publication Date:  1825.

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Title:  Das griechische Volk in öffentlicher, kirchlicher und privatrechtlicher Beziehung vor und nach dem Freiheitskampfe bis zum 31. Juli 1834 / Georg Ludw. von Maurer
Creator:  Maurer, Georg Ludwig von
Publication Date:  1835

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Title:  De ephetarum Atheniensium origine : commentatio academica / scripsit Edvin Osterberg.
Creator:  Osterberg, Edvin.
Publication Date:  1885.

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Title:  De l' autorité impériale en matière religieuse a Byzance / par Am. Gasquet ___.
Creator:  Gasquet, Amédée Louis Ulysse,
Publication Date:  1879.

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Title:  De la situation des ouvriers en Angleterre : memoire presente a la Commission d'enquete sur les conditions du travail / par M. le comte de Paris.
Creator:  Paris, Louis-Philippe-Albert d'Orleans,
Publication Date:  1873.

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Title:  De parodo Eumenidum Aeschyli ... / scripsit Rudolphus Maennel ...
Creator:  Maennel, Rudolph,
Publication Date:  [1871].

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Title:  De Platonis Critia / Friedrich Kluge.
Creator:  Kluge, Friedrich,
Publication Date:  1909.

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Title:  De re scenica in Aeschyli Orestea... / a Godofredo Hermanno...
Creator:  Hermann, Gottfried,
Publication Date:  1846.

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Title:  Dell'amor patrio di Dante e del suo libro Intorno al volgare eloquio : antologia composta dal conte Giulio Perticari.
Creator:  Perticari, Giulio,
Publication Date:  [1822].

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Title:  Della Nobiltá patrizia Veneta : saggio storico / di Michele Battagia.
Creator:  Battaglia, Michele.
Publication Date:  1816.

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Title:  Democratiae apud Athenienses origine et processu.
Creator:  Jurrjens, Didericus Henricus
Publication Date:  1853.

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Title:  Denckwürdigkeiten aus Griechenland in den Jahren 1827 und 1828, besonders in militarischen Beziehung / aus den Papieren der ehemaligen Majors und Commandanten der Palamedesburg bey Nauplia (Napoli di Romania) Friedrich Müller's aus Alfdorf___.
Creator:  Müller, Friedrich
Publication Date:  1833.

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Title:  Der Altar von Pergamon : ein Beitrag zur Erklärung des hellenistischen Barockstils in Kleinasien.
Creator:  Salis, Arnold von,
Publication Date:  1912.

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Title:  Der Hellenen Freiheitskampf im Jahre 1822 / Aus dem Tagebuch des Herrn A. v. L. Kampfgenossen des Generals Grafen von Normann bearbeitet von Ludwig von Bollmann.
Creator:  Bollmann, Ludwig von
Publication Date:  1823.

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Title:  Der heutige lesbische Dialekt verglichen mit den ubrigen nordgriechischen Mundarten / von Paul Kretschmer, mit einer karte.
Creator:  Kretschmer, Paul,
Publication Date:  1905.

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Title:  Der Monotheismus des Xenophanes / von N. Mavrokordatos.
Creator:  Μαυροκορδάτος, Νεκτάριος,
Publication Date:  1910.

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Title:  Des Anciens et principaus Historiens grecs et latins, dont il nous reste quelques ouvrages.
Creator:  La Mothe Le Vayer, Francois de,
Publication Date:  1646.

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Title:  Des anciens gouvernemens fédératifs, et la législation de Crète.
Creator:  Sainte Croix, Guillaume Emmanuel Joseph Guilhem de Clermont-Lodève de,
Publication Date:  [1799].

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Title:  Description des tombeaux de Godefroid de Bouillon et des rois latins de Jerusalem : Jadis existant dans l' eglise du Saint-Sepulcre ou de la Resurrection, / par le baron de Hody.
Creator:  Hody,
Publication Date:  1855.

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Title:  A description of the East, and some other countries. / By Richard Pococke.
Creator:  Pococke, Richard,
Publication Date:  MDCCXLIII-V [=1743-45].

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Title:  Description of the plain of Troy : with a map of that region delinated from an actual survey : Read in French before the Royal Society of Edinburgh, Feb. 21 and 28 and March 21 1791 by the author / M. Chevalier, fellow of that society, and of the Academies of Metz, Cassel and Rome, translated from the Original not yet published, and the Version accompanied with notes and illustrations, by Andrew Dalzel, M.A. F.R.S. edin.
Creator:  Lechevalier, Jean Baptiste,
Publication Date:  1791.

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Title:  A description of the present state of Samos, Nicaria, Patmos, and Mount Athos / By Joseph Georgirenes, Arch-Bishop of Samos ... ; Translated by one that knew the author in Constantinople.
Creator:  Γεωργαρίνης, Ιωσήφ,
Publication Date:  1678.

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Title:  Description physique de l'ile de Crete / par V. Raulin. Publiee sous les auspices de m. le ministre de l'instruction publique.
Creator:  Raulin, V.
Publication Date:  1869.

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Title:  Deutsch-griechisches Handwörterbuch / Herausgegeben von M. J. A. E. Schmidt ___.
Creator:  Schmidt, J. A. E.
Publication Date:  1832.

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Title:  Deux typica byzantins de l'epoque des Paleologues / par Hippolyte Delehaye.
Creator:  Delehaye, Hippolyte,
Publication Date:  1921.

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Title:  Dialogo di pittura / di messer Paolo Pino.
Creator:  Pino, Paolo,
Publication Date:  1548.

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Title:  Diario del viaggio da Venezia a Costantinopoli di M. Paolo Contarini che andava bailo per la Repubblica Veneta alla Porta Ottomana nel 1580 ora per la prima volta pubblicato.
Creator:  Contarini, Paolo.

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Title:  Dictionnaire Grec-Français et Français-Grec / par Ch. D. Byzantius Publié par André Coromélas. Ouvrage approuvé par le ministère des cultes et de l'instruction publique.
Creator:  Βυζάντιος, Σκαρλάτος Δ.,
Publication Date:  1856.

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Title:  Die byzantinischen Kaiser : ihre Palast - und Familien - Geschichten, ihre Schicksale / Historische Studien von Franz Freiherrn von Andlaw.
Creator:  Andlaw-Birseck, Franz Xaver,
Publication Date:  1865.

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Title:  Die Chasaren : historische Studie : ein Nachlass / von Hugo Freiherrn von Kutschera.
Creator:  Kutschera, Hugo, Freiherr von,
Publication Date:  1909.

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Title:  Die Geschichte Griechenlands unter der Herrschaft der Römer / nach den Quellen dargestellt von Dr. phil. Gustav Friedrich Hertzberg.
Creator:  Hertzberg, Gustav Friedrich,
Publication Date:  1866-75.

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Title:  Die griechischen Vasen mit Meistersignautren / Wilhelm Klein.
Creator:  Klein, Wilhelm,
Publication Date:  1887.

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Title:  Die Kapitulationen der Turkei / von E. L. Deligeorges.
Creator:  Δεληγιώργης, Επαμεινώνδας Λ.,
Publication Date:  1907.

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Title:  Die Kretischen Inschriften.
Creator:  Blass, Friedrich.
Publication Date:  1905].

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Title:  Die philosophisch-kritischen Grundsatze der Selbst-Vollendung : oder, die Geschichts-Philosophie : ein Versuch / von G. Mehring.
Creator:  Mehring, G.
Publication Date:  1877.

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Title:  Die tyrannis in ihren beiden perioden bei den alten Griechen / Dargestellt nacn Urfachen, Verhauf und Wirkungen von Hermann Gottlob Plass.
Creator:  Plass, Herman Gottlob.
Publication Date:  1852.

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Title:  Die Vögel Griechenlands : Ein Beitrag zur Fauna dieses Landes / von Dr. Ritter A. Lindermayer in Athen.
Creator:  Lindermayer, Anton,
Publication Date:  1860.

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Title:  Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae historicae quae supersunt : ad optimorum librorum fidem accurate edita.
Creator:  Diodorus,
Publication Date:  1829.

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Title:  Diodori Siculi Bibliothecae historicae quae supersunt : ad optimorum librorum fidem accurate edita.
Creator:  Diodorus,
Publication Date:  [1822?].

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Title:  The diplomatic reminiscences of Lord Augustus Loftus. 1862-1879.
Creator:  Loftus, Augustus William Frederick Spencer,
Publication Date:  1894.

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Title:  Dittionario italiano, et francese. = Dictionnaire italien et francois. / Bien curieusement reueu[sic], corrige, & augmente. Par Nathanael Duez, ...
Creator:  Duez, Nathanael,
Publication Date:  M. DC. LX. [=1660].

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Title:  The divorce of Catherine of Aragon : the story as told by the imperial ambassadors resident at the court of Henry VIII, in usum laicorum / by J. A. Froude ; Being a supplementary volume to theauthor's History of England.
Creator:  Froude, James Anthony,
Publication Date:  1891.

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Title:  Dizionario del dialetto veneziano / di Giuseppe Boerio.
Creator:  Boerio, Giuseppe,
Publication Date:  1856.

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Title:  Dizionario gramatiche, e dialoghi per apprendere le lingue italiana, greca-volgare, e turca, e varie sienze ___ / Dal P. M. Bernardinno Pianzola ___.
Creator:  Pianzola, Bernardino,
Publication Date:  1789.

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Title:  Dizionario storico, portatile, che contiene la storia... composto in francese dal signor abate Ladvocat.
Creator:  Ladvocat, Jean Baptiste
Publication Date:  1790.

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Title:  Dr. Grant and the mountain Nestorians / by Rev. Thomas Laurie, surviving associate in that mission... with portrait, map of thecountry, illustrations, etc.
Creator:  Laurie, Thomas,
Publication Date:  1853.

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Title:  Dr. S.G. Howe, the philanthropist, / by F.B. Sanborn.
Creator:  Sanborn, F. B.
Publication Date:  1891.

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Title:  Drake and the Tudor navy : with a history of the rise of England as a maritime power / by Julian S. Corbett.
Creator:  Corbett, Julian Stafford,
Publication Date:  1899.

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Title:  Eduard Gibbon's Esq. Vermischte Werke : ein litterarischer Nachlass / hrsg. von Johann Lord Sheffield ; Aus dem englischen ubersetz und mit erlauwernden Anmerkungen begleitet.
Creator:  Gibbon, Edward,
Publication Date:  1800-1802.

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Title:  Egypt : handbook for travellers.
Creator:  Karl Baedeker (Firm)
Publication Date:  1892.

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Title:  Elementi di fisica del corpo umano / in stato di salute del Dott. Francesco Vacca Berlinghieri pubblico professore dell' Universita di Pisa per Uso de suoi Scolari.
Creator:  Vacca Berlinghieri, Francesco,
Publication Date:  MDCCLXXXIII. [=1783].

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Title:  Elementum : eine Vorarbeit zum griechischen und lateinischen Thesaurus / von Hermann Diels.
Creator:  Diels, Hermann,
Publication Date:  1899.

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Title:  Elgin and Phigaleian marbles.
Creator:  Ellis, Henry,
Publication Date:  1833.

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Title:  Ellade / Publicazione del Comitato Centrale Napoletano "Pro Candia".
Publication Date:  1897.

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Title:  Eloge funebre de Procope / Choricius de Gaza; traduit pour la premiere fois en francais par Henri Caffiaux ___.
Creator:  Choricius,
Publication Date:  1862.

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