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Derpapas (geb. 1937) Greece Das Entbehren.
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Title Derpapas (geb. 1937) Greece Das Entbehren.
Identifier 000391836
Creator Δέρπαπας, Γιώργος,1937-2014
Date of publication
Physical description 1 τεκμήριο : α/μ ; 30x21 εκ.
Language German
Coverage   ( - ) 
Source GrRePK
Collection   Digital Collections
  Digital Collections--Archives
  Digital Collections--Archives--Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art
  Digital Collections--Archives--Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art--Greek and Cypriot Artists
  Digital Collections--Archives--Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art--Greek and Cypriot Artists--Greek Artists
  Digital Collections--Archives--Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art--Greek and Cypriot Artists--Greek Artists--Derpapas George, 1937-2014
  Contributors--University of Crete Library
Institution University of Crete
Location University of Crete - Rethymno
Notes Έργο του Γ. Δέρπαπα με τίτλο Das Entbehren(1962), ίσως αποσπασμένο από κατάλογο έκθεσης του στη Γερμανία .
Classification Αρχείο Ελλήνων και Κυπρίων Καλλιτεχνών Α. Ξύδη
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Derpapas (geb. 1937) Greece Das Entbehren.

Derpapas (geb. 1937) Greece Das Entbehren.

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Size26731732 Bytes
Digitization Date20220616
Resolution300 dpi
Tonal Resolution24
ColorSLR color