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The Cretan Revolution of 1866-69: A Digital Bibliography

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Title:  Публицистика 1880 года. Ранние научные работы кн. 2
Creator:  Leont'ev, Konstantin Nikolaevich,

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Title:  Восточный вопрос и российская дипломатия в 1864-1871 гг. : по материалам записок графа Н.П. Игнатьева : диссертация ... кандидата исторических наук : 07.00.03 / Мцхвариашвили Александра Димовна; [Место защиты: Кубан. гос. ун-т].
Creator:  Мцхвариашвили, Александра Димовна
Publication Date:  2013.

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Title:  Русские моряки на Крите (1866-1869) / Скрицкий, Н. В.
Creator:  Skritskii, N. V.

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Title:  Россия и Критское восстание : 1866-1869 гг. / Сенкевич И. Г.
Creator:  Senkevich, I. G.,
Publication Date:  1970.

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Title:  “Afford Refuge to Christians in Distress” : An (unofficial) British Humanitarian Response to the Arkadi Events of November 1866 / Mick McTiernan.
Creator:  McTiernan, Mick

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Title:  İngiltere ve Girit İsyanı, 1866-69 / Kenneth Bourne, Ph. D.
Creator:  Bourne, Kenneth

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7. Ορλώφ, Εθνικόν Ημερολόγιον, 1868 (έτος η'), [χ.α.] σ. αλλά μετά τη σ. 192 και σ. 367.

Title:  0ρλώφ : [πορτρέτο].

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Title:  1+8+66. 1 Ένα+8 Οκτώ Έργα Επαναστατικής-Αντιστασιακής Γλυπτικής+66 Αναφορές.
Creator:  Μαρκαντωνάκης, Γιάννης Π.

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Title:  150 Years Ago : Remembering Arkadi.

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Title:  150 χρόνια Αρκάδι : ποιήματα / φιλολογική, καλλιτεχνική και εκδοτική επιμέλεια: Βασίλης Πετικάς.
Publication Date:  2019.

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Title:  1866-1869 Girit ihtilâli : Gamsız Hasan Bey Erkadiyi nasıl batırdı / yazan Ali Haydar Emir.
Creator:  Emir, Ali Haydar
Publication Date:  1931.

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Title:  1866-1869 Girit Isyani ve Yunanistan: Namik Kemâl'den Tespitler / Musa Gümüş.
Creator:  Gümüş, Musa

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Title:  1866-1869. Η μεγάλη κρητική επανάσταση.
Creator:  Πρεβελάκης, Ελευθέριος,

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Title:  1866-The revolts continue / 1866-İsyanlar devam ediyor / Dr. Atom Damalı ; çeviren Ayşe Natalie Turgut.
Creator:  Damalı, Atom.

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15. 1868 και 1878. Παράσχος, Αχιλλεύς, 1838-1895, Ποιήματα, Εν Αθήναις και Εν Κωνσταντινουπόλει: εκδότης Ανδρέας Κορομηλάς, 1881, τ. 2, σσ. 133-141.

Title:  1868 και 1878.
Creator:  Παράσχος, Αχιλλεύς,

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Title:  1897 Türk-Yunan harbine kadar Osmanlı idaresinde Girit : / M. Metin Hülagü.
Creator:  Hülagü, M. Metin.

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Title:  19. yüzyιlιn ikinci yarιsι ve 20. yüzyιlιn baslarιnda Girit adasιnda deniz ticareti / Özlem Yιldιz.
Creator:  Yιldιz, Özlem

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Title:  28 Οκτωβρίου-Αρκάδι Κρήτης : Δύο επέτειοι / Σπύρου Μελά, της Ακαδημίας Αθηνών.
Creator:  Μελάς, Σπύρος,

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19. A. Βαφειάδης :[πορτρέτο], Εθνικόν Ημερολόγιον1868 (έτος η'), [χ.α.] σ. αλλά μετά τη σ. 144 και σ. 355.

Title:  A. Βαφειάδης : [πορτρέτο].

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Title:  Affairs Of Crete—Question.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Affairs Of Crete—Question.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Âli Pasha Mehmed Emin / Kemal Beydilli.
Creator:  Beydilli, Kemal

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Title:  American consul in a Cretan war : revised edition of the Cretan insurrection of 1866-7-8 / William Stillman ; with introd. and notes by George Georgiades Arnakis.
Creator:  Stillman, William James,
Publication Date:  [1966].

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Title:  The American interest in the Cretan revolution, 1866-69 / by Emmanuel E. Marcoglou.
Creator:  Μάρκογλου, Εμμανουήλ Ε.,
Publication Date:  1971.

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Title:  Appeal to the people of the united States to relieve from starvation the women and children of the Greeks of the island of Crete.
Publication Date:  1867.

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Title:  Arkadi vapuru nasıl yakalandı.

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Title:  Arkadi vapurunun zaptı :.

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Title:  Articles and despatches [sic] from Crete / William J. Stillman ; edited with introduction and notes by George Georgiades Arnakis.
Creator:  Stillman, William James,
Publication Date:  1976.

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Title:  The autobiography of a journalist / William James Stillman.
Creator:  Stillman, William James,
Publication Date:  1901.

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Title:  Autonomy and Federation within the Ottoman Empire : Introduction to the Special Issue / Elektra Kostopoulou.
Creator:  Κωστοπούλου, Ηλέκτρα Δ.,

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Title:  Avrupa'nιn unutulmus devlet adamι Âli Pasa / Rasim Marz.
Creator:  Marz, Rasim

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Title:  Belgelerle Girit faciası / hazırlayan, Halit Fesih Kalkan.
Publication Date:  2012.

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Title:  Bir Tanzimat bürokratı ve diplomati olarak Aleksandır Karatodori Paşa / Mahmut Akpınar.
Creator:  Akpınar, Mahmut.
Publication Date:  2010.

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34. Brochure du Grec de l' Olympe : Contenant des lettres pour sa Majesté l' Émpereur des Francais, Napoleon III, pour lord Derby, le general Garibaldi, le philhellene Flourens, le sαvant professeur Τartright, et le redacteur du journal la "Turquie" et dediée aux ombres illustrés des philhellenes de 1821 / Zese Sotere. Athènes: Typographie N. G. Passari, 1867.

Title:  Brochure du Grec de l' Olympe : Contenant des lettres pour sa Majesté l' Émpereur des Francais, Napoleon III, pour lord Derby, le general Garibaldi, le philhellene Flourens, le sαvant professeur Τartright, et le redacteur du journal la "Turquie" et dediée aux ombres illustrés des philhellenes de 1821 / Zese Sotere.
Creator:  Σωτηρίου, Ζήσης.
Publication Date:  1867.

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Title:  Candia—Insurrection In Crete.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Candia—Insurrection In Crete.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Candia—The Insurrection.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Candie.
Creator:  Barlatier, A.

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Title:  Case Of The "Arkadi".
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  A century of revolutions : the Cretan Question between European and Near Eastern politics / Leonidas Kallivretakis.
Creator:  Καλλιβρετάκης, Λεωνίδας,

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Title:  Chapitre XIV Turquie; fin de 1866 / M. Tessier de Rauschenberg.
Creator:  Tessier de Rauschenberg, M.

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Title:  Concert for the Cretans.
Publication Date:  [1868].

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Title:  Conférence de Paris : 1869.
Publication Date:  Février 1869.

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Title:  Consul Stillman and the cretan revolution of 1866 [ανάτυπον] / G.G. Arnakis.
Creator:  Γεωργιάδης-Αρνάκης, Γεώργιος,
Publication Date:  1969.

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Title:  Correspondence respecting the conferences held at Paris for the Settlement of the Differences between Turkey and Greece.
Creator:  Great Britain
Publication Date:  February 1869.

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Title:  Correspondence respecting the Disturbances in Crete.
Creator:  Great Britain.
Publication Date:  February 1867-May 1868.

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Title:  Correspondence respecting the disturbances in Crete : 1867. Accounts and papers, 1867. / Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons.
Creator:  Great Britain.
Publication Date:  2008.

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48. Correspondence respecting the Disturbances in Crete :Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, V1: Correspondence respecting the Disturbances in Crete 1866-67, London :Harrison and Sons,1866

Title:  Correspondence respecting the Disturbances in Crete : Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty.
Creator:  Great Britain
Publication Date:  1866-1868.

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Title:  Correspondence respecting the Eastern Question. : (In continuation of Correspondence respecting the Disturbances in Crete: April 1866 to February 1867).
Creator:  Great Britain
Publication Date:  January 1868.

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Title:  Correspondence respecting the rupture of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Greece, 1868-69.
Creator:  Great Britain
Publication Date:  January 1869.

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Title:  Correspondence respecting the rupture of diplomatic relations between Turkey and Greece, 1868-69 : Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty.
Creator:  Great Britain
Publication Date:  1869.

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Title:  Creta / scritti di Daniele Pallaveri.
Creator:  Pallaveri, Daniele
Publication Date:  1868.

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Title:  The Cretan.
Publication Date:  1868.

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Title:  The Cretan.
Publication Date:  1868.

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Title:  The Cretan Crisis, 1866-1869.

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Title:  Cretan Days / William J. Stillman.
Creator:  Stillman, William James,

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Title:  The Cretan Insurrection.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Cretan Insurrection—Question.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Cretan Insurrection : 1866-1869 / James J. Reid.
Creator:  Reid, James J.

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Title:  The Cretan Insurrection and Greek Nationality.

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Title:  The Cretan Insurrection and Greek Nationality.

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Title:  The Cretan Insurrection / By a Resident in Crete.

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Title:  The Cretan Insurrection of 1866-1869 as reported in the New York Times.
Creator:  Σταυρίδης, Σταύρος

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Title:  The Cretan Insurrection of 1866-68 / By a Resident in Crete.

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Title:  The Cretan insurrection of 1866-7-8. / By William J. Stillman.
Creator:  Stillman, William James,
Publication Date:  1874.

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Title:  The Cretan / Pandelis Prevelakis ; with an introduction by Peter Mackridge ; book one translated from the Greek by Abbott Rick ; books two and three translated from the Greek by Peter Mackridge.
Creator:  Prevelakēs, Pantelēs,
Publication Date:  1991.

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Title:  The Cretan problem and the Eastern Question : a study of Greek irredentism, 1866-1898.
Creator:  Tatsios, Theodore George.
Publication Date:  1967.

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Title:  The Cretan Question, : 1868-1897 / by Frank Maloy Anderson and Amos Shartle Hershey ; with the assistance of 50 contributors.
Creator:  Anderson, Frank Maloy,

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69. The cretan refugees and their american helpers : A statement addresed to the contributors for the relief of cretan refugees / By Samuel G. Howe. Boston: Lee and Shepard, 1868.

Title:  The cretan refugees and their american helpers : A statement addresed to the contributors for the relief of cretan refugees / By Samuel G. Howe.
Creator:  Howe, Samuel Gridley,
Publication Date:  1868.

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Title:  The Cretan Revolt 1866-69.
Creator:  Τωμαδάκης, Νικόλαος Β.,
Publication Date:  1966.

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Title:  Cretan Uprising of 1866-1868 / George Kohn C.
Creator:  Kohn, George C.

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Title:  Crete—English Vice Consul At Khanea—Question.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Crete—Treatment Of Christians.
Creator:  Great Britain.

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Title:  Crete. Address of the National Assembly of the Provisional Government of Crete, asking Congress for aid to secure the complete emancipation and independence of the island. April 10, 1868. -- Referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs and ordered to be printed.
Creator:  Προσωρινή Κυβέρνησις της Κρήτης

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Title:  Crete : an address / by Stewart L. Woodford, Lieutenant-governor of New York, delivered at Steinway Hall, New York City, April 23, 1868.
Creator:  Woodford, Stewart L.
Publication Date:  1868.

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Title:  Crete and the United States, 1866-1869 / May, Arthur J.
Creator:  May, Arthur James,

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Title:  Crète infortunée : chronique du Soulèvement Crétois de 1866-1869 / Pandeélis Prévélakis ; traduit du néo-grec par Pierre Coavoux.
Creator:  Πρεβελάκης, Παντελής,
Publication Date:  1976.

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Title:  "Crete the Opening Wedge" : Nationalism and International Affairs in Postbellum America. / David Prior.
Creator:  Prior, David.

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Title:  The Crete Triangle : 185 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Russia and Greece. / Zanina. V.
Creator:  Zanina, V.

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Title:  Der kretische Aufstand 1866/67 bis zur Mission Aali Paschas / Nach diplomatischen Quellen bearbeitet von Dr. Robert Wagner.
Creator:  Wagner, Robert
Publication Date:  1908.

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Title:  Deux ans d' insurrection dans l’ île de Crète.
Creator:  Perrot, Georges,

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Title:  Devlet ve siyaset adamı olarak Mehmed Emin Ali Paşa (1815-1871) / Hayrettin Pınar.
Creator:  Pınar, Hayrettin.
Publication Date:  2007.

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83. Die europäischen Grossmächte und der kretische Aufstand, 1866-1867 /Wolfgang Elz, Stuttgart : F. Steiner : Verlag Wiesbaden,1988.

Title:  Die europäischen Grossmächte und der kretische Aufstand, 1866-1867 / Wolfgang Elz.
Creator:  Elz, Wolfgang
Publication Date:  1988.

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Title:  Die Gräuelthaten der Türken auf Candia und die Sprengung des Klosters Arkadion durch den achtzigjährigen Abt Gabriel, wobei an 1200 Türken u. 400 Griechen den Tod fanden [Elektronische Ressource]
Publication Date:  ca. 1867.

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85. Elpis Melena, Die insel Creta unter der ottomannischen Verwaltung. Wien: Arnold Hilberg's Verlag, 1867.

Title:  Die insel Creta unter der ottomannischen Verwaltung / von Elpis Melena.
Creator:  Melena, Elpis,
Publication Date:  1867.

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Title:  Die schrecklichen Christenverfolgungen auf der Insel Candia, oder die blutigen Kämpfe, Schlachten und Gräuelthaten durch die Türken und Drusen, wo vom 6. Julien bis jetzt die fürchterlichsten und qualvollsten Grausamkeiten verübt wurden.
Publication Date:  [s.a.].

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Title:  Diplomasi ile Siyasetin Birlikteliği : Girit İsyanı ve Âlî Paşa / Hayrettin PINAR.
Creator:  Pınar, Hayrettin

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Title:  The diplomatic reminiscences of Lord Augustus Loftus. 1862-1879.
Creator:  Loftus, Augustus William Frederick Spencer,
Publication Date:  1894.

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Title:  The Doctors' Dilemma : Britain and the Cretan Crisis 1866-69 / Ann Pottinger Saab.
Creator:  Saab, Ann Pottinger.

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Title:  Documents diplomatiques : 1867.
Creator:  France.
Publication Date:  MDCCCLXVIII [=1867].

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Title:  Documents diplomatiques : Affaires de Grèce, Mars 1869.
Creator:  France.
Publication Date:  1869.

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Title:  Documents Diplomatiques sur le conflit Gréco-Turk /.
Publication Date:  1868.

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93. "Documents relatifs a l'insurrection de Crete /publies par l'administration de l'""Independance Hellenique"".Athenes :Imprimerie de L. D. Villara,1867."

Title:  Documents relatifs a l'insurrection de Crete / publies par l'administration de l'"Independance Hellenique".
Publication Date:  1867.

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Title:  Doorman's son who saved the Empire : Âli Pasha / David Barchard.
Creator:  Barchard, David,

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Title:  Dr. S.G. Howe, the philanthropist, / by F.B. Sanborn.
Creator:  Sanborn, F. B.
Publication Date:  1891.

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Title:  The East and the West, / by an Oriental and former Rayah.
Publication Date:  1868.

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Title:  The Eastern Question : Speech / of the Duke of Argyll on the Conduct of the Foreign Office During the Insurrection in Crete in 1867.
Creator:  Argyll, George Douglas Campbell,
Publication Date:  1876.

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Title:  The echo of the 1866 Cretan uprising in Serbia .
Creator:  Djordjevic, Dimitrije,

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Title:  Ege adalarının Osmanlı’dan koparılışının 100 yılı ve Girit / Kaan Arslan yazdı.
Creator:  Arslan, Kaan.

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100. Elpis Melena, Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen, Hannover, 1892, ΚΑΛ 232270

Title:  Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen : Eines mehr als 20jahrigen Aufenthaltes auf Kreta / von Elpis Melena. Mit 14 Phototypien nach Originalen von Joseph Winckler und einer Karte von Kreta.
Creator:  Melena, Elpis,
Publication Date:  1892.

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