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Books from Adrianoupolis (Edirne)

Bishop's Dorotheos Proios books

Books mainly on sciences or philosophy, from the personal library of the Metropolitan of Adrianoupolis Theodoros Proios (1765-1821).

[62] Bishop's Ignatios Sarafoglou books

Books belonging to the Adrianoupolitan Bishop of Nazianzus, also teacher at the Greek School of Adrianoupolis, Ignatios (1739-1818).

Patriarch of Constantinople Cyrilos VI books

A small sample of the books from the personal library of the Adrianoupolitan Patriarch of Constantinople, Cyril VI (1775-1821).

[8] Patriarch of Constantinople Agathangelos books

Books from the personal library of the Adrianoupolitan Patriarch of Constantinople Agathanghelos (middle 18th cent. -1832).

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11. Elia Giardini, Arte Rettorica, In Pavia, 1782, ΦΣΑ 3054

Title:  Arte Rettorica : Tratta dalle Opere de' migliori Maestri, e rischiarata ad uso della gioventu / Da Elia Giardini Pubblico Professore d' Umanita nelle Scuole Minori della Regio-Cesarea Universita di Pavia.
Creator:  Giardini, Elia,
Publication Date:  1782.

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12. Artemidorus Daldianus, Artemidori Daldiani & Achmetis sereimi F. Oneirocritica, Lutetiae, 1603, ΦΣΑ 2438

Title:  Artemidori Daldiani & Achmetis sereimi F. Oneirocritica. Astrampsychi et Nicephori versus etiam Oneirocritici. Nicolai Rigaltii Ad Artemidorum Notae.
Creator:  Artemidorus,
Publication Date:  1603.

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13. X*** , Attention aux Balkans!, Bucharest, 1876, ΦΣΑ 327

Title:  Attention aux Balkans! / par X***
Creator:  X***
Publication Date:  1876.

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14. Clement Marot, Ballades epitres et chancons, Paris, [1891], ΦΣΑ 185

Title:  Ballades epitres et chancons / Clement Marot [intr. Charles Simond]
Creator:  Marot, Clement,
Publication Date:  [1891]

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15. L. M.  Stretch, The Beauties of History, London,1813, ΦΣΑ 2352

Title:  The Beauties of History; : or, Pictures of Virtue and Vice; drawn from real life. / by L. M. Stretch, ...
Creator:  Stretch, L. M.
Publication Date:  [June 20.1813.]

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16. Friedrich Muller, Beitrage zur etymologischen Erklarung der griechischen Sprache, Wien, 1897, ΦΣΑ 115

Title:  Beitrage zur etymologischen Erklarung der griechischen Sprache / von Dr. Friedrich Muller.
Creator:  Muller, Friedrich,
Publication Date:  1897.

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17. Paul Kretschmer, Beitrage zur griechischen Grammatik, Gutersloh, 1889, ΦΣΑ 14

Title:  Beitrage zur griechischen Grammatik : Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der philosophischen Doctorwurde... / von Paul Kretschmer.
Creator:  Kretschmer, Paul,
Publication Date:  1889.

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18. Beitrage zur Historischen Syntax der griechischen Sprache, Wurzburg, 1882-1907, ΦΣΑ 13

Title:  Beitrage zur Historischen Syntax der griechischen Sprache / Herausgegeben von Dr. Martin Schanz...
Publication Date:  1882-1907.

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19. Johann Witrzens, Betonungssystem der griechischen Sprache, Teschen, 1889, ΦΣΑ 122

Title:  Betonungssystem der griechischen Sprache / Auf etymologischer Grundlage entwickelt von Dr. Johann Witrzens ...
Creator:  Witrzens, Johann.
Publication Date:  1889.

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20. Theophrastus, Caratteri di Teofrasto Greco-Toscani Colle loro illustrazioni, Varie lezioni, e note …, T.1, In Firenze, 1761, ΦΣΑ 3109

Title:  Caratteri di Teofrasto Greco-Toscani Colle loro illustrazioni, Varie lezioni, e note ...
Creator:  Theophrastus,
Publication Date:  MDCCLXI [=1761].

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