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Alexandros G. Xydis Archive of Modern Greek Art

In 2000 the University of Crete Library purchased the library of art critic Alexandros G. Xydis (1918-2004), along with part of his archive. The latter covers the history of Modern Greek Art and is divided into two subsidiary collections: "Greek and Cypriot Artists" and "Exhibits in Greek Galleries". Read more...

[3023] Georgios Arvanitides Archive [203]
Archive of greek and foreign press clippings by Kostas Nitsos (1920-2015)

Kostas Nitsos (1920-2015) was an important figure of the struggling journalism, editor of the historical magazine Theatre (1961-1981) and a pioneer in the promotion of culture as a subject of primary interest in the press. In 2019 his wife, Effie Roditis-Nitsou, and his daughter, Elissavet Nitsou, heirs and holders of his intellectual and literary rights, donated to the University of Crete, in his memory and in fulfilment of his wish to disseminate his work, a complete series of issues of the Theatre, as well as the archive of Greek and foreign press clippings that he had diligently collected, in order to document, digitize, display and make them freely available on the internet for the benefit of research and knowledge.

[21] Panteli Prevelaki Archive [26]
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201. The Jar Makers of Thrapsano in Crete /Maria Voyatzoglou, Expedition, issue 16 (1974), p. 18-24.

Title:  The Jar Makers of Thrapsano in Crete / Maria Voyatzoglou.
Creator:  Βογιατζόγλου, Μαρία,

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202. No preview available

Title:  [Je voudrais vous recommander très chaleureusement cet artiste qui a vécu à Paris pendant près de vingt-ans] : / Restany P.R. [δακτ.] [1976 Φεβρουάριος 22]
Creator:  Restany, Pierre,

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203. Fiorenzo di Lorenzo, Jean Cantacuzan grec: [γραφικό υλικό] [χ.χ.].

Title:  Jean Cantacuzan grec : [γραφικό υλικό] / [Fiorenzo di Lorenzo].
Creator:  Fiorenzo,
Publication Date:  [χ.χ.].

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204. Paul Facchetti vous prie d'honorer de votre présence le vernissage de l'exposition Alecos Fassianos peintures : le jeudi 4 mai 1972 de 18 à 21h. [γραφικό υλικό]

Title:  Jean-Loup Metton, Maire de Montrouge La Municipalité Nicole Ginoux vous prient d'assister au vernissage du 42ème Salon de Montrouge : le mardi 29 avril 1997 de 19 heures à 21 heures. [γραφικό υλικό]
Creator:  Metton, Jean-Loup,
Publication Date:  1997.

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205. Jeune Peinture 2ème etage : Georges Ioannou / Galerie Isy Brachot (Bruxelles).

Title:  Jeune Peinture 2ème etage : Georges Ioannou / Galerie Isy Brachot (Bruxelles).
Creator:  Galerie Isy Brachot (Bruxelles)
Publication Date:  1971.

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206. Kornelios Grammenos "Contortions" Sculptures and Collages : Εγκαίνια την Πέμπτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 1998 ώρα 8μ.μ. απο τις 29 Ιανουαρίου έως τις 21 Φεβρουαρίου του 1998].

Title:  Kornelios Grammenos "Contortions" Sculptures and Collages : Εγκαίνια την Πέμπτη 29 Ιανουαρίου 1998 ώρα 8μ.μ. υ απο τις 29 Ιανουαρίου έως τις 21 Φεβρουαρίου του 1998].
Creator:  "Ολγα Γεωργαντέα", Γκαλερί (Αθήνα)

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207. Kyriakos Katzourakis: [Bιογραφικό σημείωμα][δακτ.]

Title:  Kyriakos Katzourakis : [Bιογραφικό σημείωμα] [δακτ.]

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208. Kyriakos Katzourakis : [Bιογραφικό σημείωμα] [δακτ.] [1982?].

Title:  Kyriakos Katzourakis : [Bιογραφικό σημείωμα] [δακτ.] [1982?]

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209. Kyriakos Katzourakis Paintings : 4 May - 29 May / [Πρόσκληση σε εγκαίνια έκθεσης][γραφικό υλικό]

Title:  Kyriakos Katzourakis Paintings : 4 May - 29 May / [Πρόσκληση σε εγκαίνια έκθεσης] [γραφικό υλικό]
Creator:  Edward Totah Gallery
Publication Date:  1981.

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210. Kyriakos Katzourakis paintings :v[exhibition] 2nd-30th January 1982, Midland Group Nottingham / [text Nicos Hadjinicolaou, Ian Mayes].

Title:  Kyriakos Katzourakis paintings : [exhibition] 2nd-30th January 1982, Midland Group Nottingham / [text Nicos Hadjinicolaou, Ian Mayes].
Creator:  Χατζηνικολάου, Νίκος,
Publication Date:  1982.

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