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Antaeus Integrated Index of Basic Manuals for Modern Greek Studies
Antaeus Integrated Index of Basic Manuals for Modern Greek Studies
«Antaeus» is Anemi's innovative search module that integrates all the individual indexes, providing, in essence, an electronic hyper-index. Thanks to it the user can identify the term of his interest among all the indexes that have been registered on Anemi Digital Library.

Use Instructions
Antaeus Integrated Electronic Index is activated from Anemi's left menu.
By chosing it the user is provided with a new search engine which revokes -exclusively- the data of all indexes that have been registered to Anemi.
Select from the drop-down list the type of term («Term» or «Authorised Term») and type in the search box the entry of your interest. For example: The search for the entry «Rankaves», shows that the term is located in the indexes of the following works:
As with individual indexes, in Antaeus the user also enjoys the privilege of fast navigation from the physical page to the respective page of the digital file (provided there are no copyright restrictions). The main offering, however, of the new tool to Anemi Digital Library of Modern Greek Studies is that Antaeus provides a comprehensive survey of the bibliography gradually registered to Anemi.